Calendar & Events


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Flowers for Friends

On the QuadStop by and get a flower to share with a friend to brighten their day.

Knight Nation Event

Knight Arena 1 University Hill Dr, Buena Vista, VA, United States

Join us at the Men's Volleyball game for a fun-filled Valentine's Day event! Wear your best Valentines colors!

Valentine’s Day Party

YSA Institute Building

Make paper flower bouquets for someone who needs a little extra love!

Art Habit Thursdays

At the Institute BuildingPrompts and supplies provided by the Institute

Financial Aid Application Night


Join us for an exciting Application Night, where Financial Aid is here to help you complete your FAFSA and scholarships …

Open Building Night

Institute Buildingdrinks & snackspool table, ping pong, foosball, spike ball, volleyball, corn hole, basketball, board games, practice piano, family history, …