Five students laughing and smiling in front of Main Hall.

Why We Gather

Aligned with the Teachings of Jesus Christ

Southern Virginia University is aligned with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its principles and values. We strive to create a welcoming campus environment that builds faith in Jesus Christ and helps students fully realize their capacity.

A Community of Shared Values

To help cultivate a campus that combines study and faith (D&C 88:118), every student who attends commits to a Code of Conduct based on the principles and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We invite and welcome all who will sincerely strive to live by these principles and shared commitments to one another.

National Student Body

The numbers say it all. Our students travel an average of nearly 1,300 miles from home to attend Southern Virginia University. That’s almost five times the national average. Our beautiful campus is a second home to students from every state and multiple countries.

A Thousand New Friends

Like a large city, a large campus with tens of thousands of students can be lonelier than you think. But on our close-knit campus of about 1000+ students, virtually everyone is your friend. There are countless opportunities to build close relationships as we strive to live our University mantra: Love One Another.


are Latter-day Saints


students on campus


are returned missionaries

All 50

states represented