Iana Konstantinova
Professor of Spanish; Spanish Program Coordinator

“I love mentoring students and watching them grow into their full potential. I enjoy seeing alumni succeed in the workplace and hope they stay in touch with me after they graduate.”
- Ph.D. in Spanish Literature, University of Virginia, 2006
- M.A. in Spanish Literature, University of Virginia, 2002
- B.A. magna cum laude with University Honors in English and Spanish, Texas Christian University, 1998
- Core: Classics of Western Literature
- Spanish Major: Topics: Don Quijote, Juana Inés de la Cruz, Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luis Borges, Spanish American Short Story, Spanish Conversation, Business Spanish; Survey of Spanish American Literature, Survey of Iberian Literature, Introduction to Spanish Literature, Spanish Grammar and Writing, Culture of Spain, Culture of Spanish America, Spanish I-IV
- Travel Study: Madrid and Granda, Spain
Teaching Positions & Professional Experience
- Joined the Southern Virginia University faculty in 2007
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington and Lee University, 2005–07
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Virginia, 2000–05
- Taught English, Spanish, and French at Burleson High School, 1998–2000
Scholarship & Creative Work
- Research centers on contemporary Spanish and Spanish American Literature, especially metafiction
- Published articles in Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Literature, Variaciones Borges, Crítica Hispánica, The Monographic Review/Revista Monográfica, pdfLetras Hispanas, Ciberletras, Hipertexto, Cincinnati Romance Review
- Book chapter in “Mito e historia en la televisión y el cine español,” Ed. Christine Blackshaw Naberhaus. Editorial Albatros, 2019
- “pdfBorgesian Libraries and Librarians in Television Popular Culture”
- “pdfPosthumanism in Rosa Montero’s Lágrimas en la lluvia and El peso del corazón”
- “pdfThe Reality of Representation: An Examination of the Double in El calígrafo de Voltaire by Pablo De Santis”
- “pdfThe Metafictional Vampires of Buenos Aires: A Study of Los anticuarios by Pablo De Santis”
- Co-editor of book “Crear entre mundos: nuevas perspectivas en la metaficción española,” Editorial Albatros, 2021.
Awards, Leadership & Service
- Division Chair of Social Sciences, Southern Virginia University, 2018–present
- Faculty mentor to Women’s Lacrosse Team, 2015–present
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Sigma Delta Pi, Faculty Advisor
- Sigma Tau Delta
- Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership
- Golden Key International Honor Society
- Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society