Current Projects

Core of Campus Upgrade

The Core of Campus Campaign is a multi-phase, multi-year campaign to upgrade Main Hall and other key facilities at the heart of campus to bless students for decades to come.

Main Hall stands as an icon to those both new and familiar with Southern Virginia University and it is loved by all. Help us continue to beautify and upgrade the space.

Resourcefully converting spaces.

Over the years Main Hall has served students in various ways: as meeting and learning places, dorm rooms, and most recently as offices for faculty and staff. Now, as we continue to grow, we are resourcefully converting large office spaces in this iconic building into technology-rich classrooms.

A Beloved Icon of Southern Virginia University

Main Hall is part of our core identity and every Knight has a special experience or memory with this historic building.

With Main Hall at the heart of our our multi-phase, multi-year campaign to upgrade our Core of Campus, we asked members of our community to share their favorite memories to tell the story of why Main Hall is so meaningful.