Samuel Hirt
Associate Professor of Biology; Associate Provost

“I am fortunate to have a career that I am passionate about and brings me great joy. My underlying goal in all of the classes I teach is to provide experiences that will help students be successful in their careers and apply to their everyday lives. I am continually looking for new uses of technology to increase the learning potential of my students in and out of the classroom.”
- Ph.D. in Ecology, Auburn University, 2015
- M.S. in Ecology, Auburn University, 2008
- B.S. in Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University, 2006
- Biology Major: General Biology I, General Ecology, Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II, Marine Biology, Mammalogy, Botany, Field Biology
- Electives: Environmental Science, Bioethics
- Travel Study: Galapagos Islands
Teaching Positions & Professional Experience
- Joined the Southern Virginia University faculty in 2016
- Online Adjunct Instructor, Purdue University Global Online, 2014–19
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Pacific University. 2014–16
- Adjunct Instructor, Southern Union State Community College, 2013–14
- Instructor, Auburn University, 2012–14
- Adjunct Instructor, Miller-Motte Technical College, 2011–12
Scholarship & Creative Work
- Research interests are in physiological ecology of vertebrates—specifically using methods analyzing stable isotopes and hormone concentrations in biological samples
- Graduate research focused on the migration patterns of silver-haired bats and analysis of baleen of bowhead whales to assess the “big mother” hypothesis
- article“The Effects of Temperature on the Turnover of δ18O and δD in Juvenile Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata): A Novel Study with Ecological Implications”
- pdf“Sexual Dimorphism, the big-mother hypothesis, and analyses of hormones, minerals, and stable isotopes to determine reproductive events in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus)”
- pdf“Analysis of Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen to Determine Migrational Source of Silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in Alabama”
- article“A Time to Shine,” forum address for Southern Virginia University, February 2019
Awards, Leadership & Service
- Associate Provost, Southern Virginia University, 2018–present
- Faculty Development Committee, Southern Virginia University, 2018–present
- Faculty Representative for Southern Virginia University’s Men’s Baseball team, 2017–present
- First-year Experience Committee, Southern Virginia University, 2016–18
- Presented on “The Flipped Classroom: Demonstration, Rationale, Resources, and Response,” Southern Virginia University, 2016
- Missionary, Canada Winnipeg Mission, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2000–02