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Jared Lee
Associate Professor of Biology; Math and Natural Sciences Division Chair
“Biology challenges us by trying to understand how the world works. The details are fascinating, whether we learn about how a cell makes energy or how muscles contract. College challenges us by pushing us to become who we are. The changes are tremendous, developing your own identity, learning how to learn, managing time, or developing your career goals. As a faculty member and academic advisor, I help and encourage students in all of these areas.”
- Ph.D. in Genetics, University of Georgia, 2014
- M.S. in Biology, Brigham Young University, 2009
- B.S. in Biology, Brigham Young University, 2005
- Core: Biological Concepts, General Zoology
- Biology Major: General Biology I & II, General Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology I & II, Evolution, Senior Capstone
Teaching Positions & Professional Experience
- Associate Professor of Biology, Southern Virginia University, 2020-present
- Assistant Professor of Biology, Southern Virginia University, 2016–20
- Natural Sciences Department Chair, Georgia Military College, 2014–16
- Assistant Professor of Biology, Georgia Military College, 2014–16
Scholarships & Creative Work
- Interests include population genetics, phylogeography, invasive species, community assembly, vertebrate evolution, conservation, and science-religion issues
- Field work locations: United States, Costa Rica, China, the Philippines, and Taiwan
- article“Development of 12 novel microsatellite loci for invasive Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) from its introduced range”
- article“Characterization of 15 microsatellite loci in kudzu (Pueraria Montana var. lobata) from the native and introduced ranges”
- article“Eleven Microsatellites in an Emerging Invader, Phytolacca Americana (Phytolaccaceae), from Its Native and Introduced Ranges”
- article“Phylogenetic Divergence in a Desert Fish: Differentiation of Speckled Dace within the Bonneville, Lahontan, and Upper Snake River Basins”
- article“Biogeography of the livebearing fish Poecilia gillii in Costa Rica: are phylogeographic breaks congruent with fish community boundaries?”
Awards, Leadership & Service
- Biology Program Coordinator, Southern Virginia University, 2017–present
- Faculty of the Year, Georgia Military College-Columbus Campus, 2015
- Phi Theta Kappa Advisor, Georgia Military College, 2015–16
- Pre-Nursing Program Coordinator, Georgia Military College, 2015–16
- Veterans Club Advisor, Georgia Military College, 2014–16
- Genetics Graduate Student Travel Award Panel Chair, University of Georgia, 2013–14
- Georgia Science and Engineering Fair Special Award Judge, 2012–13
- Genetics Graduate Student Association Officer, University of Georgia, 2011–12
- East Asia-Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2011
- Georgia Science and Engineering Fair Judge, 2010–13
- Graduate School Dean’s Award in International Study, University of Georgia, 2010
- Partnerships in International Research and Education Graduate Student Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2009
- Research Presentation Award, Brigham Young University, 2008
- Julia Greenwell Award, Brigham Young University, 2007
- D. Elden Beck Scholarship Award, Brigham Young University, 2006
- Office of Research and Creative Activities Grant, Brigham Young University, 2005
- Brigham Young Bicentennial Scholarship, Brigham Young University, 2001
- Missionary, Australia Sydney Mission (Mandarin-speaking), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1998–2000