Doug Himes
Associate Professor of Art

“The field of art has exploded in recent years. Forget the outdated notion of the starving artist. There are more opportunities to work creatively in visual communication than ever before, including opportunities to work for yourself—to be an art entrepreneur. Use your time as an undergraduate to educate yourself. No one will “give” you an education. You have to go after it yourself. For an artist, of whatever type, education is your most valuable asset.”
- Postgraduate work, Institute for the Book Arts, University of Alabama, 1991
- M.F.A. in Printmaking, Brigham Young University, 1986
- B.A. in Art, Brigham Young University, 1983
- Art Major: Drawing I & II, Oil Painting I & II, Printmaking I & II, Figure Drawing Studio, Watercolor I & II, Book Arts, Senior Show
- Travel Study: Paris, Greece, Italy, England, China
Teaching Positions & Professional Experience
- Southern Virginia University, 2006–present
- Missouri State University, 1996–2005
- Brigham Young University, 1988–94
Scholarship & Creative Work
- Participation in national and international exhibitions
- Big Ink Printmaking Invitational, 2020
- art exhibit websiteMeditations on Belief: 2019 LDS International Art Competition
- Dialogue, A Journal of Mormon Thought, Winter 2019
Awards, Leadership & Service
- Art Program Coordinator, Southern Virginia University, 2008–18