Barbara Van Kuiken
Professor of Chemistry; Chemistry Program Coordinator

“I do not teach mere mortals, but students who have an endless future with amazing possibilities to impact the world for good. The chemistry they learn helps them not only understand important aspects of science and medicine but also helps them train their minds as they learn how to problem-solve and use logic. In addition, as they learn about the universe, they are able to better appreciate its Creator. I treasure my students and am so thankful to be able to walk with them and help them on their journeys.”
- Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry and Microbiology with an emphasis in Enzyme Biochemistry and Biophysical Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, 1992
- M.S. in Chemistry, Brigham Young University, 1986
- B.S. in Zoology, Brigham Young University, 1981
- Core: General Chemistry I and II and General Chemistry Labs
- Chemistry Minor: Organic Chemistry I and II and Organic Chemistry Labs, Biochemistry and Biochemistry Lab, Advanced Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Medical Research, Junior Seminar for Health Professions
- Travel Study: Past trips to Africa, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica
Teaching Positions & Professional Experience
- Kaye and Michael Elton Professor of Chemistry, Southern Virginia University, 2013–present
- Professor, Southern Virginia University, 2010–13
- Associate Professor, Southern Virginia University, 2005–10
- Adjunct Professor, Virginia Military Institute, 2001–present
- Assistant Professor, Southern Virginia University, 2000–05
Scholarship & Creative Work
- Wrote and published multiple Organic and General Chemistry textbooks, workbooks, and lab books (link to bookslink)
- Presented an abstract, “Innovative and Effective Methods of Engaging Organic Chemistry Students in 3-Dimensional Learning: Building Success in the Classroom and Preparing Students to Become Active Participants in New Frontiers of Science” at the BCCE Conference at Notre Dame (2018) and ACS Conference in Orlando, 2019
- Presented a workshop, “Engaging Organic Chemistry Students in an Active Learning Process That Promotes Development of Critical Thinking Skills and the Ability to Apply Essential Concepts” at the BCCE conference at Notre Dame, 2018
Awards, Leadership & Service
- Nominated, Humanitarian of the Year, Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce, 2015
- Chair, Kaye and Michael Elton Professorship, 2013
- Recipient, President’s Council Award for Exceptional Service to the University Community, 2012
- Recipient, Michael and Kaye Elton Outstanding Teaching and Scholarship Award, 2012
- Nominated, U.S. Professors of the Year Award, 2011–12
- Recipient, Ed and Cheiko Okazaki Distinguished Service Award, 2007
- Member, National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, 2003–present
- Created and Chapter Advisor, Alpha Epsilon Delta Health Pre-Professionals Honors Program, Southern Virginia University, 2018–present
- Created and Adviser, Health Pre-Professionals Association for Southern Virginia University, 2003–present
- Biochemistry Program and Lab Coordinator, Southern Virginia University, 2014–16
- Created Health Pre-Professionals Program, Southern Virginia University, 2002
- Created Chemistry Minor, Southern Virginia University, 2002
- Supervisor, Remote Area Medical Clinic, 2010–21
- Board Member, Remote Area Medical, 2014–18
- Medical Mission Trip with Students, Ghana, West Africa, 2008; Ecuador/Amazon Rainforest, 2009; Guatemala, 2010; Costa Rica, 2015
- American Chemical Society
- National Association for Advisors of the Health Professions
- Alpha Epsilon Delta
- Phi Kappa Phi