Tuition & Affordability

A Premium Education at Half the Price

At less than half the national average for private colleges, our tuition is surprisingly affordable. Additionally, we award more than $5 million annually in merit-, need-, and talent-based scholarships to eligible students.

A Wise Investment.


Pay half the cost of the New tabaverage private college


Graduate in two-thirds of the time it takes the average U.S. student


Earn 25% more than your New tabpeers

Tuition Investment GraphStudent shaking hands during interview.
  1. Get ahead by graduating faster.

    Our curriculum is designed to help you graduate faster. On average, SVU students earn their degrees in just four years compared to the national average of six years. Imagine the compounding benefits an extra two years will bring!

    Two More
    • years to serve a mission
    • years of full-time salary
    • years to attend a top grad school

    Two Fewer
    • years of student loans
    • years of tuition costs
    • years waiting to launch!

  2. Earn 25% more than your peers.

    Liberal arts students win in the long run. According to New taba study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, the average return on investment after 40 years for students who attended a liberal arts college is $918,000—more than 25% higher than the $723,000 median gain at colleges.

    Even more, a study by the New tabAAC&U found that “employers overwhelmingly endorse broad learning and cross-cutting skills as the best preparation for long-term career success”—two elements that are hallmarks of a liberal arts education.

  3. Expand your opportunities at grad school.

    With rigorous academics delivered in small, collaborative classes, SVU students are better prepared to earn advanced degrees. Nearly 40% of our alumni attend graduate school—twice the national average.

    That additional education pays off. According to the New tabU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, master’s degree holders earn approximately $1,000 more per month than those with just a bachelor’s degree.

    New tab How Eryn Pawluk’s Academic Experiences Prepared Her for Yale

To make our tuition as affordable as possible, we award more than $5 million annually in scholarships and financial aid to virtually all eligible students.

New tab Types of Financial Aid

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025
Full Time $10,390 per semester
Part Time $920 per credit
Student Fee $300 per semester

Pricing for university housing includes utilities, furniture, and high-speed internet. A one-time housing application fee applies. Students can register for housing in their enrollment portal,

New tab See Housing Options

Dorm Style On-Campus
Craton Hall (female-only double room) $2,035 per semester
Robey Hall (male-only double room) $2,035 per semester
The Lofts (three and four person room) $2,585 per semester
Apartment Style Off-Campus
Carriage Mods (standard single room) $3,525 per semester
Carriage Mods (extended single room) $4,025 per semester
Carriage Townhomes (double room) $2,850 per semester
Carriage Townhomes (single room) $3,850 per semester
Gayle Smith Apartments (double room) $2,950 per semester
Apartment Style On-Campus
Stoddard Living Center (standard single room) $3,690 per semester
Stoddard Living Center (extended single room) $4,190 per semester
Walnut Avenue Apartments (double room) $3,440 per semester

Residential dining plans are available to all students and required for students in residence halls without kitchens. Students can register for a meal plan by contacting Student housing at phone 540-261-8492 or email

Knight All-Access
Unlimited Meal Swipes at Knight Dining Hall
– $100 Dining Dollars per semester
– 1 Meal Exchange per day
$2,929 per semester
Knight Standard
19 Meal Swipes per week in Knight Dining Hall
– $150 Dining Dollars per semester
– 1 Meal Exchange per day
$2,587 per semester

Commuter dining plans are available to students in residence halls with kitchens or students who qualify to live off-campus.

Standard Commuter
– 10 Meal Swipes per week in Knight Dining Hall
– $200 Dining Dollars per semester
– 1 Meal Exchange per day
$1,499 per semester
Partial Commuter
– 50 Meal Swipes per semester in Knight Dining Hall
– $150 Dining Dollars per semester
$562 per semester

Summer term is an opportunity to graduate faster at a reduced price. Financial aid can be applied to summer costs. New tab Learn about Summer Term

Full-Time Summer Tuition (6-8 credits) $3,019 flat rate
Part-Time Summer Tuition (less than 6 credits) $578 per credit
Summer Housing $600 per term