Faith in Jesus Christ
At Southern Virginia University, we strive for our conduct, culture, and education to be in harmony with the teachings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
By Study and by Faith
College years are important for solidifying your foundations of faith. That’s why we strive to honor the Lord’s counsel to “seek learning, by study and by faith.” (D&C 88:118)
A Community of Shared Values
To cultivate a culture of study and faith, every member of our University community commits to a Code of Conduct based on the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and the highest standards of personal conduct.
Links to SVU’s Code of Conduct page: Review the Code of Conduct
Faith-supportive Faculty
Our faculty strive to provide a spiritually safe classroom environment where discussions of faith are encouraged.
Links to SVU’s Faculty page:Meet Our Faculty
Institute of Religion Courses
The campus-adjacent Institute of Religion is the largest on the East Coast and a key component of life at Southern Virginia University. Whether you take an Institute class for University credit or for your own spiritual nourishment, we encourage everyone to attend!
Links to SVU’s Institute of Religion page: Explore Institute Courses
Forums & Devotionals
We regularly gather together as a campus community to enjoy uplifting and inspiring messages from faithful thought leaders. We always close our devotionals and forums by singing “Love One Another” together as a campus community—a mantra we strive to live by.
Links to SVU’s youtube devotionals page:Watch our Top Devotionals
Join a Ward
Be part of a vibrant Young Single Adult Stake—the first YSA Stake created outside the Wasatch Front—in one of our student wards.
New tabSee Meeting Times

Ideal for Missionaries
Whether you are preparing to serve a mission or are just returning from missionary service—join a community that will support your spiritual goals and growth.
Is Southern Virginia University owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
While Southern Virginia University seeks to provide higher education in a faith-supportive environment Latter-day Saints in the eastern U.S., we are not owned The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Links to page about Church alignmentOur connection with the restored Church