Welcome back, Knights!

Alumni Association

You will always belong here. Connect with your fellow alumni and take part in our mission to Gather, Lift, and Launch the next generation of Knights.




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Admissions counselor giving a campus tourAlumni posing for a photo at Homecoming
  1. Gather

    Do you know someone who would greatly benefit from a Southern Virginia University education? Here are a few ways you can help them become a Knight.

    New tabRefer a Student
    Help a student connect with a friendly admissions director to learn more by filling out an inquiry form.

    New tabBring a Student on a Campus Tour
    Share your love for Southern Virginia University with a student in person. If you schedule a tour with a prospective student, we will reimburse the student’s travel costs up to $400!

    New tab, facebookShare on Social Media
    Connect with us on social media and share the photos and stories you love with your friends and family.

  2. Lift

    You can lift a student to tremendous heights by providing life-changing opportunities and experiences.

    Send email to alumni@svu.eduFund a Scholarship
    Provide new Knights with chances for learning that would not have been available without your assistance. To learn more about various ways to fund a scholarship, email emailalumni@svu.edu.

    New tabGive Back
    Help your alma mater thrive through a one-time or recurring donation to fund programs, infrastructure, or give to a general fund to further bless lives.

    Send email to alumni@svu.eduMentor a Student
    Just as your mentors impacted your life, sharing your time and unique talents with a current Knight will help make a difference in theirs.

  3. Launch

    Help launch our incredible Knights into meaningful lives and careers. You know first-hand the quality of education and preparation each student receives, and now you can be the one to fuel their future.

    New tabPost to Our Internship/Job Board
    Source top talent for your employer and launch a Knight into a bright future.

    New tabPresent at a Career Fair
    Represent your company and meet candidates in person by joining us on campus for a career fair.

Alumni Association

The moment you received your diploma, you became a member of the Alumni Association. As an association, we support one another through networking and events, and support the extraordinary mission of Southern Virginia University.

Alumni interested in helping lead or advise the association may do so as an officer on the Executive Committee or as a member of its Advisory Board. Inaugural Executive Committee officers and Advisory Board members will be selected from a pool of nominees reviewed by a committee led by the association’s President and Executive Director, and comprised of alumni and University employees.
link to sign-up formSign Up for Alumni Updates


Scott McKeon

Scott McKeon

President of the Alumni Association

Jessi Whipple

Jessi Whipple

Executive Director of the Alumni Association

JD Drasbek

JD Drasbek

Alumni Association Vice President

Jessica Rasmussen

Jessica Rasmussen

Alumni Association Vice President

Commencement Ceremonies


Celebrate the Class of 2024 with us on May 3.

Commencement Details
SVU alumni at Homecoming

Homecoming & Alumni Weekend

Join us on Oct. 26 for a fun-filled homecoming & alumni weekend!

Homecoming Details

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We’ve partnered with Akademos to provide a variety of options for you to show your school spirit! Southern Virginia University does not receive any profit from merchandise sold.

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